Health and Wellbeing

Hot & cold: thermal contrast explained

Hot & cold: thermal contrast explained


You may be familiar with the benefits of ice compresses and heat packs when treating injuries, but alternating between enveloping heat and invigorating coolness can actually be an effective treatment for your overall physical health, and a great - if somewhat daring - wellness experience.

The contrast

The idea of putting your body through a series of alternate hot and cold situations may seem daunting initially, but the positive impact is well worth the effort. When you are next in the club, we recommend you start with a sauna session, to help you release tension. When fully relaxed, follow it up with a multi-sensory shower, if you prefer a gentler treatment, or push yourself with a cold water bucket shower. You may even dip your hands in the ice fountain and rub them over your body for an even more invigorating experience.

The beneficial synergy

You may wonder why you would want to counter the effects of the soothing sauna. In fact, you are only adding to them. The striking thermal contrast will stimulate your entire body. In concrete terms, blood circulation will be significantly improved, offering a host of benefits to your mental and physical wellbeing:

  • Eliminating toxins
    Besides boosting blood circulation, alternating between hot and cold water encourages sweating, making it easier to eliminate toxins from the body. Our experts advise you to hydrate properly before, during and after this experience to maximise the results.
  • Relaxing muscles
    This dynamic tandem promotes vasodilation and vasoconstriction, powerful allies against inflammation. The heat loosens muscles and soothes pain, while the cold allows micro-injuries to subside by constricting blood vessels. This reduces muscle soreness and releases precious endorphins, the feel-good hormones.
  • Stimulating your immune system
    If practised regularly, this dramatic temperature shift is a great way to prepare and defend your body against potential winter ailments. Exposure to the cold strengthens the immune system, increasing its ability to fight infection.
  • Calming the mind and improving sleep
    This striking experience surely makes you forget the worries of everyday life, turning your attention to your senses instead. Additionally, the drop in body temperature enables a deeply restorative sleep.
  • Reinvigorating your complexion
    Alternating temperatures help eliminate impurities when it comes to your complexion as well. The heat opens the pores, while the cold tightens them, contributing to toned, radiant skin.